
Terms and Conditions

Services Provided: Boarding Admissions offers guidance, preparation, and coaching for students seeking admission to top boarding schools across India. This includes mock exams, interview preparation, aptitude tests, and study materials. We do not guarantee admission to any specific school, as the final decision rests with the schools themselves.

Enrollment in Preparation Programs: Parents or guardians must enroll their child in one of our preparation programs through the official Boarding Admissions website or office. All required forms and documents must be completed accurately. Enrollment is confirmed once full payment for the selected program is received.

Preparation Content: Our preparation programs are tailored to meet the admission requirements of India's top boarding schools. This includes academic content, mock exams, and interview training. We aim to prepare students as thoroughly as possible, but performance in actual entrance exams is the student's responsibility.

Entrance Exam Dates and Information: While we help with preparation, parents, and guardians are responsible for registering their children for the official entrance exams and interviews with the boarding schools they are applying to. Boarding Admissions will provide general guidance but does not handle exam registrations for individual schools.

Payment Terms: Full payment is required to enroll in our preparation programs. Payments are non-refundable unless explicitly stated in our refund policy. We offer various packages, and fees are detailed on our website. Payment plans may be available upon request and must be agreed upon before enrollment.

Refund and Cancellation Policy: Refunds are only provided if a cancellation request is submitted within 7 days of enrollment and before any preparation materials have been accessed. Refunds are unavailable if preparation has already begun or materials have been distributed. Exceptions may apply in special circumstances at the discretion of Boarding Admissions.

Attendance and Participation: Students are expected to attend all scheduled sessions, including online classes, mock tests, and interviews. Active participation is crucial for the success of the preparation program. Missed sessions will not be rescheduled unless there are exceptional circumstances, which should be communicated in advance.

Preparation Results: While Boarding Admissions offers high-quality preparation services, we do not guarantee specific results. Admission to boarding schools is based on multiple factors, including but not limited to student performance, school requirements, and competition from other applicants. The ultimate responsibility for passing the entrance exams lies with the student.

Communication with Boarding Schools: Boarding Admissions provides general guidance on the boarding school application process but does not communicate directly with boarding schools on behalf of students. Parents or guardians are responsible for submitting applications and following up with individual schools.

Confidentiality and Privacy: All personal information shared with Boarding Admissions is treated with strict confidentiality. We do not share student or parent details with third parties without explicit consent, except where required by law.

Code of Conduct: Students enrolled in Boarding Admissions programs are expected to behave in a respectful and disciplined manner. Disruptive behavior may result in expulsion from the program without a refund. Parents or guardians are encouraged to ensure students remain committed and focused during preparation.

Changes to Programs: Boarding Admissions reserves the right to modify, alter, or discontinue any of its preparation programs, content, or schedules. In the event of significant changes, enrolled students and their parents will be notified promptly.

Limitation of Liability: Boarding Admissions prepares students to excel, but we do not guarantee admission success. While we provide the best possible preparation, meeting the specific criteria for boarding schools is ultimately the student's responsibility.


Nehru Colony, Dehradun


+91 9149057322







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